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Date of Birth
Contact No
E-mail jianli.yjbys.com
Job Target
Target Industry The hope responds to a call for recruits profession scope
Target job The hope responds to a call for recruits post
Target address Hope work area, urban scope
Target salary Anticipation wage level welfare demand,Discussing in person
To hillock time The new post can in the long time assume the post
Working Experience
2006/05―Present XXX
Industry: Finance/Investments/Securities
Group HR Department Group HR Manager
1. Being responsible for planning and coordinating all the HR building and management for the headquarter of Asia-Pacific Region as well as the HR work for 6 industrial center and more than 40 bnd incentive system which can meet the differences in the developing group.
7. Improving all the employing policies to be lawful and logical instantly according to the improving laws of the government.
1. Implementing E-HR system successfully and realizing the computerizing and information zing of HR in group.
2. Being responsible for organizing branched compa

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