发布时间:2022-07-12 19:29:58
无忧考网英语资源频道为大家整理的china daily双语版:十条法则让你成为优秀实习生,供大家阅读参考。 It‘s a common conundrum for young professionals: you can‘t get a job without experience, but you can‘t get experience without a job. One way that many college students overcome the experience gap is by completing internships, in which they learn the ropes in a professional environment while building their portfolio and making valuable networki要知道,这可是确保你能成功完成实习工作并获得肯定的良方。 1.Treat the internship as you would any other job. Take your assignments seriously, even when it seems that you‘re doing busywork. Maintain a professional attitude anddemeanor. 认真对待你的实习工作。即使你的工作都是些琐事,你也要严肃认真地对待,体现你的职业态度和素养。 2.Arrive on time, or a few minutes early. Strolling in to the office late gives theimpression that you don‘t care and that you aren‘t serious about the internship or your career. And stay all day -- leaving early because you are bored or have other plans isunacceptable. 准时或提早上班。慢吞吞地去上班、上班迟到给人留下的印象就是:你不重视这份工作,你对实习工作或职业生涯满不在乎。上班时间不要早退。你不能因为工作无聊或者你有其他安排就提早下班。 3.Dress appropriately. Sweatpants and a baseball cap are fine to wear to class, but professional office environments generally have dress codes. When in doubt, err on theconservative side. If you don‘t have a full professional wardrobe yet, now is the time to start acquiring business attire. 穿着得体。运动裤和棒球帽穿去上课可以,但是职场上有职场的穿衣法则。如果你不清楚的话,穿得保守一点总没错。如果你现在还没有购置一橱的正装的话,那现在就是你置办正装的好时机了。 4.Turn off your cell phone, iPod or other electronics while you‘re in the office.You may think that no one notices that you‘re texting back and forth with your friends, but they do. Focus o