发布时间:2022-07-12 19:32:30
I am a living colorful girl. Why do you say that?
Look, that‘s a Book Loving me. There are a lot of books in my family, just like a small book city. I‘ve been reading for several hours, and sometimes I forget to eat and sleep. This is a Book Loving me. Don‘t be jealous of my small book city.
羊癫症的方法e:16px;"> 看,那是一个爱跳舞的我,我学了3年舞蹈了,我拿了许多从北京舞蹈学院考回来的证书呢。我一般会的基本功是:劈叉,下大腰,起大腰,起小腰,压腿等基本功。
Look, that‘s a dancing person. I‘ve learned dancing for three years. I‘ve got a lot of certificates from Beijing Dance Academy. My general basic skills are: split, lower big waist, up big waist, up small waist, leg pressing and other basic skills.
Look, that‘s a careless and careless me. I remember that I was detained for writing a wrong word in a Chinese exam. 5 points, I am so sad, I want to say "careless, I want to break up with you".
Ah, because of something, I wrote here first. Bye.